
Engine Troubleshooting – Diagnosing Car Engine Problems

Engine problems can be very irritating, but you don’t have to be at a loss if your vehicle breaks down on you. A quick and simple diagnosis may be all you need to get back on the road.

What to do if your engine doesn’t start.

First check the gas and make sure you have enough to start the car.
If there is gas then listen to the sound that is made when you try to start the car. If there is no noise. It may be electrical. Check your battery and wiring. If the lights dim when you try to start the car, you may need a new battery.

If the car just makes noise and doesn’t start then it could be your starter. If the engine starts, but then stops it could be a vacuum hose leak, or at the air valve or the fuel pressure regulator. If you own a classic with a carbonator it could be the choke.

Engine Overheats quickly?  The easy thing to do is to make sure your engine coolant is refilled to a proper level. You may need professional assistance  to check and adjust the ignition timing as it can be set wrong or to check if there are any mechanical problem in the engine.

Backfiring engines? Check for a broken or a burnt valve. A broken camshaft can also be a problem and should be repaired to avoid serious engine issues.

No increase in the car’s speed or acceleration.  You might need to replace the air filters or there may be water in the gasoline. Also check if your catalytic converter is choked.

Remember that diagnosing your car’s problem early will prevent severe failures and will increase the life of the engine.

Of course we are always available to help you, so feel free to call with any questions.